
Showing posts from March, 2018

Movie poster


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In this Article, it talks about the Chief designer of Nike, John Hoke and how his dyslexia makes him see things much differently. I like the fact how he doesn't let his condition affect him in a negative way. Instead, he made use it to his advantage and in the end, his design is favored by millions to this day as many people around the world supports Nike and loves its iconic design logo.

homework 4 response

The article was about an interview with Dave Perillo, nicknamed Montygog. I realized a lot of things. For example, one way to get people to recognize you is by letting people see your work publically. For example Deviantart. A great way to show other artists your work and for everyone to critic others art for the better. improving your art to where maybe even officials will want to hire you for work. That was my main thoughts which made me think hard on during this interview. 

homework 5 response

In this article, it talks about an interview with Dustin Stanton. I thought it was pretty cool that he was able to get a job designing movie posters in high school to get an early start. I also find a nice little detail of how for the movie poster "The Master" was just a photograph but the way it was photoshopped made it look incredible. I find it interesting looking at the process of how designers learn from their previous work and incorporate it into new projects and how it really shines compared from the old work.